Our Story
In the mid-morning glow of Athens, I was wandering the streets of a neighbourhood I know well. A neighbourhood filled with bustling cafes and bars, great restaurants, designers, makers and galleries. A glimpse of the wondrous Acropolis only around the next corner.
I found myself lost in a daydream, wandering familiar paths, saying kalimera - good morning - to shopkeepers I’ve met before, the city had enveloped me, a comforting embrace of community and culture.
Across the street at a cafe a scene unfolded; a group of friends were engaged in a spirited debate, the person next to them was totally engrossed in a newspaper,another person was starring up to the sky whilst chatting away on the phone, and a woman standing to warmly greet a friend. In common, all were suspended in a moment of time, sipping their cold, iced coffee; a freddo espresso. Watching this everyday moment, this small, beautiful moment, I felt as though I had been struck by lightning. In an instant, this thing, this allure, this magic of the Mediterranean lifestyle made sense. I realised that it is not the azure seas and the sweeping skies, it is about the way. The way life is lived, cherished and celebrated, even in these small, seemingly insignificant moments like in the cafe. In this moment, Lillian Muir began.
Lillian Muir seeks to reveal the intangible ‘άγνωστa γοητευτικό’ - the indescribable air - of Mediterranean life through the pursuit and curation of products, collaborations, community and celebrations that, piece by piece, articulate and share the energy and beauty of this lifestyle.

The Med Set Ritual
We embark on this journey with 'The Med Set Ritual,' our hero range of body products, designed as a tribute to the scene that sparked our inception. This collection, featuring the Freddo Espresso Transforming Body Scrub, Whipped Body Cream, and Body Sweep, is our homage to savouring moments of time and daily rituals echoed across the villages, cities and islands of Greece.
Our narrative is enriched by cherished collaborations that bring the spirit of this ‘way’ to life. Lee Oliveira's photography, Justin Ridler's digital artistry, and Naked Summers' art practice weave a visual story that complements our ethos.
Together with our partnerships with dedicated farmers and innovative scientists, we ensure each Lillian Muir product embodies quality, authenticity, and the soul of our inspiration.
We invite you to explore the Mediterranean through our eyes.
Welcome to Lillian Muir.